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The 10 Best Texting Pranks Ever

You might want to reconsider posting your phone number on your Craigslist ad for moving services. A hilarious Tumblr known as Textastrophe is pulling off some of the most epic texting pranks the world has ever seen. The pranks are full of such silliness and stupidity that many of the prankster’s victims ask if he’s retarded. A sure sign you’re a pranking genius!

Best Texting Pranks Ever 1

Best Texting Pranks Ever 2

Best Texting Pranks Ever 3

Best Texting Pranks Ever 4

Best Texting Pranks Ever 5

Best Texting Pranks Ever 6

Best Texting Pranks Ever 7

Best Texting Pranks Ever 8

Best Texting Pranks Ever 9

Best Texting Pranks Ever 10


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