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TGIF: Funny Pic Dump (30 Pics)

A welcome site for these eyes.

And that’s how it happened gentlemen.

Bricks will be shat

Capitalization is more important than you think

Car jump fail

Comic Strip Illustrates How Bad Grammar Can Kill Someone

Dog carries a cat on his back

Don’t open the door dude.

Expectation vs Reality

Extreme Weight Loss… Actually extreme photoshopping.

Flies have taste receptors in their feet

Force shutting down your pc

Give it a piece of mind

Hamsters are super cute

How to leave a top for waiter you don't like

I have made a terrible miscalculation

I love it when you are inside of me

I need two things and one of them is go to the gym.

It was like meeting a celebrity

Just another day in Australia

Possibly the worst thing to happen in humanity as we know it

So I became a cloud

The Birth of Grammar

The moment you realise

The Relationship-Grammar Test

The ritual is COMPLETE

The sad reality.

Truth About Internet and Right Grammar

Weekends are awesome

When you see it


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