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20 Easy & Simple Life Hacks That Will Change Your Life

What exactly is a “life hack”? It’s any simple tip you might stumble upon that changes your life or at least some aspect of it. It’s basically a trick that will help make life easier. Life hacks aren’t easy to come by and often surface at the most unexpected moments.

How to make use of cracked iPhone

If keys look too similar to you, paint them with nail polish so you can tell them apart.

If keys look too similar to you, paint them with nail polish so you can tell them apart.


Pen Spring Protection

Pen Spring Protection


Now why have I never thought of this...



Use a hair straightner as a collar iron

Use Clips to Organize Your Wires

Use Clips to Organize Your Wires


Roll your clothes up when packing, because it'll take up less space.

Roll your clothes up when packing, because it’ll take up less space.


Keep that crust

How to properly keep ear buds

How to open nearly any knot

Easy way to store cleaning supplies

Cable management made simple

Find small lost items with vaccum cleaner

Halve Round Sandwich Fillings

Amplify iPhone speaker sound

Make a CD Case From Paper

Restore your lights

Keep those cookies fresh


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