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13 Hilariously Bad Spiderman Animation Frames


I’ve been watching Spiderman long before Tobey McGuire ruined him in the movies. But even before Toby, the animators of Spiderman cartoons hurt Spidey’s image a good number of times through their bad animations. Why do I call them bad?...

The Best of ATM Fails


One wouldn’t guess ATMs to be the place the silliest and funniest stuff happens. But a few banks place their ATM machine in weird spots. When people try to use these ATMs, the results are hilarious. Check out our collection...

The Best of Cheerleader Fails


Cheerleaders. Football would be so boring without them. I’d particularly miss all those funny cheerleader Fail moments when they make asses out of themselves. Check out the pictures below if you want to know what I’m talking about. Okay that...

Top 11 ‘Jesus In My Food’ Pictures


“Jesus in my food” photos – we’ve all seen them. Believe them or not, but the images do make you wonder if only for a second. Check out the following photos of apparitions of Jesus in our everyday food. Jesus...

35+ Amazing Photos of Ice Bergs You Should See


I know that Titanic made a lot of people afraid of icebergs but the fact is that icebergs are arguably the most beautiful natural structures. Unfortunately due to global warming many icebergs are melting and fading away. We cannot ‘save’...

The Awesomest Way to Scare the Life Out of Your Friends


When your friend sees it, he’ll shit bricks!...

20 Perfectly Timed Photos of Animals Fighting


We all know what “fighting like an animal” means. But have every actually seen an animal fight? To say the least, these battles can be gruesome. Check out the following 20 pictures that were shot with perfect timing. These pictures...