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30 People Who Should Have Thought Before They Posted

There’s a certain camaraderie on social media that makes you feel like the whole world is on the same page as you. They’re not.

A lot of the world struggles with that, actually.

Another candidate for #FailOfTheYear.

Cannot unsee.

Definitely an emergency party dress. That’s totally a thing.

Didn’t you get my text?

George Eastman figured it out back in 1888.

I don’t think that’s how it works?

I liked Emily so much more on June 21.

Just imagine!

Move your thumb a little to the left.

No. That wouldn’t be pretty cool.


Not being racist, but…

Pretty accurate description though.

Rain. You’re forgetting about rain.

Somewhere a furniture store owner is laughing to himself while he’s counting his money.

Stop it. Everyone go to bed.

The only thing tougher than basic math is basic logic.

This generation’s Ada Lovelace.

This one has a bright future ahead of her.

What did you think that key was there for?

Who’d a thought? Everyone. Everyone would have thought.

Yeah… That’s a thing already.

Yep. It’s a state. (In fact, it was kinda the first one.)

You mean a parrot?

You understand why it can’t, right?

My sediments exactly.

Mother of the year.

Sounds like you had a busy night too.

Good way to figure out who your least intelligent friends are.

Via BuzzFeed


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