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Ridiculous, Stupid And Funny Apology Notes (10 Pics)

I don’t know how many of these notes are real and how many are a joke, but regardless it’s a fun read.

Aw, how can you hold a grudge at a poor old three toothed dog.

Diddly Hole, OMG. I'm assuming he bought sand paper instead...

God, I can only imagine what that poor victim had to endure.

Ha Ha. Not cool.

How sweet, the cake totally makes up for the missed work, getting fired, and a ruined life.

Looks like a kid wrote that. I wander what they did...

Oh that's all right, happens all the time.

Ridiculous. And he probably broke a heart!

This is a great idea! Everyone should have a few laying around in case their selfish, hurtful, annoying or offensive side takes over --)

Wow, the freaks found each other.


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